Moving Forward

During my childhood, my mom kept a poem framed on her bathroom counter. Little did I know it would float in and out of my consciousness throughout my adult life. So, did these terrible little books called: Life´s Little Instruction Book(s), but those are a different story.

My mom and I looked for the original framed version in the cabinets without luck. Thanks to the internet, here it is.

Moving Forward by: Rainer Maria Rilke (translated by Robert Bly)

The deep parts of my life pour onward,

as if the river shores were opening out.

It seems that things are more like me now,

that I can see farther into paintings.

I feel closer to what language can´t reach.

With my sense, as with birds, I climb

into the windy heaven, out of the oak,

and in the ponds broken off from the sky

my feeling sinks as if standing on fishes.