So, when in the middle of a process you are unsure about, you often need a coach. Someone who cares, someone who understands, someone who maintains wisdom despite ongoing little annoying things. Someone who speaks to the big picture, to steps in a process, to learning and dealing. You need regular, sometimes constant consultation. You need a voice of kindness, a voice of trust, a voice of process and perspective.
While I am a long-term lover of the wise third party, I am finding you can be that for yourself. You can be that point of communication. You can be those consistent reminders. You can be that voice of support. It is amazing especially when it is often needed.
As Seth Godin writes:
A cherry can’t grow without the pit. The drupe works because it uses the pit as instigation, a foundation to go forward from.
Sooner or later, all motivation is self motivation. And the challenge and opportunity is in finding the external forces that will soon become internal ones.