
If you leave doors open in your life, even if you are grumpy about it, you welcome new things. I have written about this often. I have often left these doors open when I have not felt like doing so. When my work came from simply not specifically closing them. I have tried to keep them open when feeling tired or grumpy or incompetent. When I have not liked, to a big degree, dealing with some of the process. There is no other way to say this.

Through my doors, a lot of things and people have walked in. I have rarely specifically invited them in by name. But open doors and positioning yourself in new places allows certain things.  I suppose I have been effortful about being an open person. I work on it. I try to do things. I write about it on this blog, and I am make a major effort to be accountable to who I want to be. I have met a ton of wonderful people in public health in Lima.. I have come increasingly comfortable in a new language. I have started several new jobs. I have joined new communities. I am really proud as I feel, in a deeply satisfying way, I have arrived.

We are always arriving into our own lives, I believe. Arriving into new places, changing our plans, considering what could be wrong or different. All of this is normal. But, I feel like I have arrived just the same.