Work and Play

There are times when what is supposed to happen… is play.

When you are falling in love. When you are exploring. When you are simply being social by choice. When you are extroverted, as I have natural wiring for, you want to share time to get energy from other, specific, beloved humans. Then there are times, when play is not where you are. Even your most extroverted self, who usually wants to meet friends out for dinner, gets tired. And the time is right for work, for writing, for reading books, for making coffee, for getting a visa, and for dealing with lots of grown up things. And for sleeping more than normal because you are more tired than normal. Yes, that is also part of the story that I am telling.

For me, this time comes when I have less social energy. When my reserves of energy are expended walking my own lifes of comfort and vulnerability with work. When I don´t have much to say that´s not the same thing over and over.

There is a huge benefit in my life in reading more books, spending less money, and otherwise just being on my own. I am in one such stage at the moment, my extroverted self taking a backseat to the billions of important and pending things. So, there it is.