I am a believer in a friendly universe where things, including painful and unfair things also happen. I observe a univere where we get to be alive and connect, where we get to reconize all this, and we are on the paths of one another. We have the privlidge of playing the game at all, as David Whyte reminds me. It is a real thing, often painful, and something consistently true. If part of connection is loss and heartbreak, I suppose it ups the rules of the game. In that we do things because we care and because emotions
are on the line.
I think it makes the whole emotional risk scenario that much more painful, important, meaningful, and ultimately (hopefully) worth stepping into.
I am clear. I am clear that we have to decide to play, and I remember that my overall concept with a friendly universe means that everytime I decide to be vulnerable, to connect instead of distance myself, something comes of it.