A Thankfulness of Lessons Learned Before

One of the gifts of real adult life is when you really learn something, the hard sticky way, you likely don´t have to learn it again. That is, it sticks. Like a million of the painful lessons I have learned from my previous works, topics such as:

  1. Actually collaborating with people.

  2. Not freaking out.

    I learned them, and I am not repeating them now. Thank God. It is a type of generousity the past gives to the present. You did something hard before and you got somewhere with it. Then you do not need to go through that specific path of learning again.

I had a thought yesterday too.

Thank Goodness, I learned how to be uncomfortable before. Thank goodness I learned I have to be vulnerable to get somewhere. Thank goodness I started reserving kindness of myself. Otherwise, all this learning likely would be way harder or even impossible.

Santiago de Chile memories, once again.

Santiago de Chile memories, once again.