Speaking of telling a new story and changing the narrative:
I am excited to be taking Seth Godin’s Marketing Seminar this year with my mom. The ideas is to learn more on how to spread good ideas in the world. If anyone wants to join, the link is: www.themarketingseminar.com and registration goes until Jan 21st. I am so influenced by Seth that I could not miss the opportunity.
Also, I am reposting this below.
The thing the media is talking about, in heavy rotation.
The breaking news, the one you´re required to give an opinion on.
The thing is, if it´s not for you, about you, or something you need to engage in, then who put it on your agenda?
The media benefits from turning you into their product, once you give them your attention.
Feel free, but do it because you have chosen to.
Here´s something to consider: the world doesn´t get better when you spend more time engaging with mass media. That´s pretty clear.
But it does get better when you spend more time doing things that matter. Actions matter.