I am currently sitting at a desk in Mexico City after leaving Cusco yesterday. I promise to continue with writing and photos regardless of my location. I will post more photos of Mexico next week, but this week is for Cusquenan reflection.
All these photos were taken in Puerto Maldonado by my friend and talented photographer Wes Fentress
I am deeply saddened to leave Cusco. I also feel full. I am full of newness after one year of a new profession, a new country, and a new language. I am surprised how much reward has come with such risk. This is what it feels like when you try something and forces conspire towards you in big, positive ways. It helps to have reached into international territory with some life experience under my belt. So, while my center remains the same, the outside continues to evolve. Heartbreak, I believe, is also how we know we are living fully and richly. It's our information about a life well-lived.
The Amazon Rainforest glowing with life.
Teaching has been a hugely rewarding experience, and I have been surprised how much I have (and I will continue to) enjoy it. It's obvious how helpful and important English is in the lives of my students. This is said despite my obsession with Spanish. I am teaching students something that will directly impact their quality of life their incomes, their reach into tourism and the world. This is obvious the more I watch their connections, the more helpful it appears to be.
Before leaving Cusco, some of my English students took me out for pizza. Their affection was wonderful and rich. Ironically (and hilarously) we spoke nearly completely in Spanish. Two worlds at once over pizza.