A City On High

Some final commentary on La Paz, Bolivia. I remain floored that the city sits at nearly 12,000 feet in the air.  It´s highest administrative capital in the world. Cusco is at  11,200 feet so my lungs and heart got an even bigger work out.

El Teleferico is a gondola system reaching far across the city that opened in 2014. The system is one of the longest in the world. It offers such a clear sense of the way the city looks and how it felt to be there. Take a visual ride! I will return next week to offer more on my daily life in Cusco. 

Gondola plus spectacular views. 

Gondola plus spectacular views. 

My friend and travel companion Megan, taking it all in. 

My friend and travel companion Megan, taking it all in. 

You can see the magnificent Illimani Mountain in the background providing a backdrop for the city.

You can see the magnificent Illimani Mountain in the background providing a backdrop for the city.

This was taken outside a monstrous market with this little girl providing perspective of city´s size and feel. 

This was taken outside a monstrous market with this little girl providing perspective of city´s size and feel.