So... sitting on an edge in life. You run up against barriers made within yourself and within the world. Me in Lima. I am walking (and sometimes rolling around) on those edges. You run into thing after thing in yourself. Discovering one thing after another that bugs you, wishing you could stay on the same bus instead of dealing with a transfer. Dealing with annoying loud sounds. It's a moment to recognize how little newness-es can affect you, and it's usually not fun. I think as humans, it's an understandable thing to avoid. I get that.
These photos were taken by yours truly in Palomino Island, Colombia. They are all of the same scene.
A big question in moments like these is your level of energy in a given moment. It varies. It's tough. Then, you remind myself that this is literally how you get to your new opportunity---a loud bus ride where you prefer to not transfer.