Patti Smith

I am currently reading Patti Smith´s The Year of the Monkey. She is an inspiration of mine. I adored this section where she describes the WOW (Walking on Water) cafe in San Diego:

Back at the WOW, I decided to put the whole bonfire thing out of mind and ordered coffee and cinnamon toast. The place was fairly empty and felt comfortably mine. I wished I could just live there for a while, in the WOW itself, in the back room with nothing but a simple cot, a table to write on, an old refrigerator, and an overhead fan. Every morning I´d make coffee in a tin pot, rustle up some beans and eggs and read of the local occurrences in the newsletter. Just negotiating zones. No rules. No change. But then everything eventually changes. It´s the way of the world. Cycles of death and resurrection, but always in the way we imagine. For instance, we might all resurrect looking way different, wearing outfits we´d never be caught dead in.