Creating Puffs of Space, Time, and Attention

So, here´s an idea. I am not sure why giving designated attention and energy toward different topics can be so challenging. Maybe because I feel like my energy is stretched out in space like weird tacky that is pulled in different directions. I have Play Dough sitting on my desk. Maybe because I can hide in bits of laziness. Maybe because I am a person. Maybe because I am just tired because I went swimming yesterday. I am not sure, and I am pretty sure that it does not matter. So, I have to reach in and grab my attention. Like a fist inside a huge jar where I focus on this email, this short exchange, this small amount of work, this thing that deserves my attention.

One way I have thought about it is as puffs of energy, time, and attention. Like blowing a bubble of attention around something that matters. It does not have to be your whole life. Just that bubble.