Seated at the table

There are moments in life when you are seated at the table with what feels like all of your inadequacies. Your resistances, your feelings of incompetence, your history of struggle, your vision of what you has been hard. As Anne Lammot says, you can feel their coppery breath breathing down your neck. You see the vision of where you came from, and you are crystal clear where you want to go. You also know for the next series of meetings you will likely feel incompetent. You will be frustrated. You will not know, and you hate that feeling. You will need to face where you feel you are lacking. You feel that way because you have a lot to learn.

You have to sit at that table within yourself and keep eating lunch otherwise you will be too hungry all day. You have to accept the errors, attend to what is new and lacking, and the fact that, yes, you are incompetent in some things. You also remember, that this is not a permanent state. You wil eventually feel differently.

As Seth Godin says, “If you care enough to make a difference, if you care enough to get better–you should care enough to experience incompetence again. “