So, there are moments in an engaged and challenging human life when you finding yourself in the middle of a difficult sequence. You started a hard project. When you look down and at the people around you, you observe you´re three steps in. Third step of ten, perhaps.
You pause for a moment and marvel at the fact that you have arrived at the third stage when you were not confident you would ever begin.
Well, you did. Good. for. you.
And now you are early process. You took the leap. You started which is usually the hardest step.
and now for the next part…
You must continue. That is to say, you ( or I ) must stop thinking about the process you are currently in. You just need to reengage. If you (me) think too long, it gets harder. So, this is what I recommend. Don’t think about it. Life has gotten easier for me this way. I like to consider things, but not right now.
I am reminded of a line from Rainer Maria Rilke:
Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.
Just keep going. No feeling is final.
Don’t let yourself lose me.