I am reminded that, regardless of how much I don´t like it, life happens drip by drip. Life happens in tiny moments, tiny decisions, clicks to open my front door, decisions of how I spend my day, little messages of communication to my friends.
The big decisions too.
I just got a new job, and I needed to get on a bus to get there. I did not want to get on that bus as I was tired. I did. It was a drip. I am reminded of what I put inside my brain matters. I remember song lyrics I listened to multiple times even know I don´t think I was paying attention to what the words were. Me remembering those lyrics is a drip. Everything is a drip if you really think about it. Then you look back at the grand sum of all the times you have ever brushed your teeth, and you realize you might have actually changed your behavior after your dentist told you to improve your technique. Each time you did it mattered.
This is from Quito, Ecuador last year. What a memory.