So, it has been a minute since I did a genuine description of what is happening in my life in terms of literal details.
I am still living full time in Lima. I am living in a beautiful new neighborhood in an apartment with my friend Dani. I am no longer living in Caraybayllo. I am still working on the research study for parents with children with autism. The parental educational sessions have ended and we are now working on the next steps to analyze the data we got from parents. Parents submitted weekly videos of them interacting with their kids. These videos are literally coded and analyzed. Eventually, writing will be done, and we will publish this study. I will probably still be doing this for another couple of months.
I am now working part time for my new work called Project Precancer which involves provides HPV (Human Papiloma Virus) screening and treatment to women in Iquitos, in the Northeastern Amazonian region of Perú. I will be spending some time where once I start working for them full time. This will probably happen in July. I am working there now to develop a logic model and work out details of program implementation.
I am going to the Women Deliver conference in Vancouver, Canada in June for about a week where I will see friends and get updated on what is happening internationally on topic of gender and development. I will be in Kansas City for a week after that. It is the first time in 3 years I will be there during the summer.
I am no longer teaching English online which is a relief. It feels really good to have all of my energy and attention dedicated to public health in Peru.