The Real Human Edge

Last night, I watched Bohemain Rhapsody. I was on a plane with a lot of turbulence. What got me, by the throat, was the topic of raw human edges. The lines we walk in ourselves and how simultanously important and impossible they can feel.

I admire people who explore these edges. Obviously, Freddie Mercury. Who are unafriad to look at them, make art, create things, write, perform, speak up, speak honestly, and put things out in the world. Who can own their own ways of doing things, approaching things, and putting things together.

I really, really, really admire this.

There is fame and the zillions of people watching, then there are people who love you anway even in spite of yourself. Those things can get mixed up. We lose track. The movie, marvelously, spoke to both things. The need to be seen, and be SEEN.

The fact that we come home to each other and perhaps most painfully to ourselves. The need for the mothership, the tether that brings us back home. We all need these people. I need these people too, and I think the unconditional people whose presence which often slips into background music that is the soil of our own selves, is really, probably, what it is all about.