A concept I heard about from Center for Spiritual Living includes the choice to “plug in” to divine electricity which is always turned on and always buzzing. The idea is… it is always there. We just need to remember to plug in.
Do we remember there are divine circuits buzzing around us? Or do we forget?
I think about this concept often when looking at art, when reading excellent things, when seeing creativity, vulnerability, and connection at work.
I was brought to tears by how Imogen Heap plugs in. Both literally in terms of her very technological gloves and also…on a metaphysical level. She has plugged in to a divine sense, an orchestra of her own creative, layered self using these gloves. Her description of the gloves starts around minute nine, and my favorite part begins in the middle of minute 12. I would not miss it.
I have no better example of “plugging in” than this. Perhaps … more than anything a creative, electric, symphonic, thrusting forward.
… into this new zone, a new galaxy, and now we see her colors activated, zany and human playing in all its glorious layers. She creates her own human orchestra in a mist she propels into the air and simultaneously pulls from it.