An Internally Derived Process

I am aware of something. This concept is snaking its way through my professional and personal life…Things need to come from the inside.

The inside of a team, inside the heart of a person, inside your own level of motivation. External things can influence in limited ways but this is often overrated. You need to care and then you need to be with other people who care together. Honestly, this concept is pretty new to me.

Caring together is probably the most powerful thing that exists in this human experience.

As I was reminded from Women Deliver, there are too many superheros. I have a problem with a God complex. I want to be the hero, to save things, and be in charge. I want to be recognized.

This does little for everyone else.

This does not help an internally derived process. Your job is not to be the superhero. Your job is to shut up. Your job is to ask, and then understand. Your job is to work with the group. Public health interventions do not sustain until the real people in the community, with the most skin the game, decide that yes it comes from them internally and they care enough to do the work. That is the game changing situation.

The best things are inside jobs or even better collaborative-team inside jobs. We agree, together, that this is important. That we will do this work together. I think it is the most amazing thing.