Project vs. Degree

I get hung up in the old school. The old school that says I need to have a certain degree, namely a doctoral one, to continue advancing with my work. What matters more is..


I am not sure I buy into an level of need or urgency around getting a doctoral degree, but I have systematically made attempts to retain an open mind. Way more importantly, with a side step of my ego…I say this. I want to be someone known for real, quality


Work that speaks for itself. Work that explains, elaborates, and goes into detail. Projects and work that do the talking for me. WHen I think of people I admire, I think of their


The places where they have taken iniative, gone ahead, been vulnerable, wrote something, partnered with others, created something, and then shared it. This is not ego driven. Degrees are not part of those conversations. This is me reminding myself. This is me doing work that matters and not slipping into the belief that degrees or titles will do that work for me. There, reminded.