I remember the middle school textbooks. The seventh grade social studies textbook and how safe they played everything. Kids washing their hands, pretending to be mad at each other. The photos of people having fake conversations, the red collared shirts of 8 year old kids. I remember reading those books as a kid and thinking they were scrubbed of any real information, and I did not want to waste my time.
Those kids don´t actually feel that way.
Well, the chapter titled “Working with a Team” would have also lacked depth. Probably because the real experience of working in tight, constant network with others, is an act of maturity. It is a act of collaboration, communication, and mostly an ongoing effort to surrender your ego enough to collaborate with other people. When you are like me and you like being the hero and that mental script was written in your brain a long time ago. I think collaborative work is the invention of people who care enough to work together. Who care to share rather than divide and who actually want to bring skills to the
I think real collaboration is the unsung hero. Maybe, in general. Managing these teams also requires courage. I am learning this.