An Interaction with Self

I think when your narrative changes, it changes slowly. This is not fun for me personally It is also subtle. You shift from a focus of other-ness to self-ness. I mean this in a good way. You starting comparing yourself to only yourself. You tune in closer. You shut the door to the things that are toxic, hurtful, and unncessary. You let go of people who don’t offer much and you draw nearer the gems you already have in your life. There is a progress I have noticed that happens in a slow frame-by-frame sequence. That part of me that agrees to show up to the grand pageant of life. That agrees to be present to life’s tiny hidden transgressions, as David Whyte points out.

The other thing that happens is that you realize that you are actually playing part you were casted for. You catch yourself being honest in new ways, in hidden ways, and you see yourself opening in vulnerability, with flexibility seen in your in your out-of-shape body and your messy hair. You tend to find that life is closer than you thought it was. And you got closer to it and it got closer to you at the same time.
