There are certain interactions...

…that only happen on a spiritual or cosmic level. I actually meant to keep this blog post light today. Ha! There are moments, when the only characters on the scene of my life are me and a broader sense of divine intervention. No other humans. No other characters. No other people dressed in blue and yellow bird costumes waiting to come on the scene. Sidenote: There is a photo from when I was in daycare or preschool standing on a stage laughing while dressed as a yellow or bluebird. I was so little. It has stuck with me.

My beliefs, my understandings, my principles… this is not between me and other humans. It just between me and a broader mystical concept of things. Perhaps, it´s most clear when humans in my life have restructured or changed scenes, it is just me walking on the planet, being a person, and being here. When people come and go (as they often do) and things change, we are still just humans walking around on this planet, wrestling and owning a bigger sense of divine relationship.

Who are we actually connected to?

How do I get to do all this?

What am I really doing here? WHATEVER. It´s just a scientific miracle and an ongoing gift.

For me, the bigger topic is not the connection I have with other people. More siginficant is the relationship I have with a grander sense of univeral mystery, an unfolding mysticism, and the magic gift of being here at all. It continues to amaze me, everyday. I am a human walking on this gorgeous and fragile planet. That is what gets to happen today. That´s the relationship I am in.