One of the gifts of working in a place where I get to have a decent amount of alone time, is befriending my own company. I can sit and be quiet in my own self. My naturally high level of extroversion is a differenet topic for a different time than now.
Iquitos is so poetic, wild, and dramatic. I have friends here, and I have been increasingly more social, however, I also really like being alone. There is something about one´s own company, meeting yourself at your own front door, that takes me back to my childhood, my Christian adolescence, and my earlier adulthood. To the many times, I have greeted myself once again at my own front door. The Anna of 35 opening the door to the Anna of 25 or 18 who is visiting. I both knock on and answer this door. Then, I come in, take off my shoes, and I just sit quietly in my own company. To be honest, I also spend a nice amount of time, corresponding with friends both Peruvian and Northern Hemispherican. But it still leaves me room to be quiet with my shoes off. I believe life is an ongoing process with painful spidery components and of coming home to ourselves over and over and over again.