
It is true that the people I have the most professional respect for are the most collaborative (and the most well read).

For example…you can be kind of good at something.

You spent time developing the skills.

But if you do not talk, share your ideas, or influence things in meaningful ways, you are kind of dead. Like where do ideas go? I find that people who redirect (or just direct) their work back to themselves over and over again (This is how great I am! ) or simply don´t collaborate… get stuck. Once you have emphasized your own work enough, where does it leave you? Where does it leave all the other folks who care?

What is better is:

To see ideas spread. To see the impact go further



I am really beginning to see that generousity, doesn´t just make you someone respect-worthy, I actually believe it makes you more successful. Like if you can open up, divide and conquer, and keep the door open, we are all better off for it. If you can let go, delegate and be generous with credit, we are all better for it. This goes against the parts of myself that want all the credit. If I actually remember that I can “win” when I take the focus off of myself, that offers me something else.