I am currently reading City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert. Here is a line from novel I loved:
“It was during the war, too, that I learned how to be comfortable sitting alone in a bar or restaurant. For many women, this is a strangely difficult thing to do, but eventually I mastered it. (The trick is to bring a book or newspaper, to ask for the best table nearest to the window, and to order your drink just as soon as you sit down.) Once I got the hang of it, I found that eating alone by the window in a quiet restaurant is one of life’s greatest secret pleasures.”
I have done this many times and have enjoyed it more each time. So, tonight I did the same. But with a drink and my open notebook in Iquitos. Sitting on my own in a open airy restaurant with a river breeze running through it became the love of my evening.
Some lousy quality photo documentation