Alain de Botton

Alain de Botton as a great example, of someone actualized, honest, kind to himself, and able to speak honestly about the human experience. In his book “The Course of Love”, he writes about communication:

What makes people good communicators is, in essence, an ability not to be fazed by the more problematic or offbeat aspects of their own characters. They can contemplate their anger, their sexuality, and their unpopular, awkward, or unfashionable opinions without losing confidence or collapsing into self-disgust. They can speak clearly because they have managed to develop a priceless sense of their own acceptability. They like themselves well enough to believe that they are worthy of, and can win, the goodwill of others if only they have the wherewithal to present themselves with the right degree of patience and imagination.

It´s true. This is the commentary that simply says, “I trust you will forgive me later, but I need to tell you something.”