It is raining frogs and spiders are I write this in a very Iquitean way, and I can feel the weepy air on my forearms. The tiles that compose my kitchen table are rumbling with the lightening. Had I forgot, for even 25 seconds, where I live?
If you want to change another person´s mind, it helps to think how they think about the world. This, I will pause and admit, is not how I think about the world. This is not what is important to me. I am not a part of this. This is about another person.
So, assuming that everything that another person does is rational and makes sense to them according to their own lives, contexts, cultures, histories, and so forth, why don´t we start with this point? So, recognizing that people want to be seen and validated. They want to be heros, they want to be given credit, and they want to feel valued. Can we start with this? Again (and again and again), none of this has to do with me.
Oof, the ego.
Extracting ourselves from the consideration of the closed-loop of another person’s logic is huge. The truth is other people´s lives don´t need to make sense to me to make sense to them. But to pause and say, so given these factors, I will close the circle of my understanding, this makes sense according to them.