I got a phone call from my Peruvian bank that that really pissed me off. The woman on the phone tried to convince me over and over that I needed a credit card. I explained 2 or three times that too many credit card is bad for people´s financial health. It angered me. My eyes are still lit up.
Of the parts of my life that are online, I would like to choose what parts are commercialized and which are not. Where my attention is not evaded and attacked by poor quality things that ignore the enviroment or the value of human beings. Where my data is not tracked without my explicit knowledge and permission. Where I can trust it´s not a race to the bottom. Where empathy and grace win over greed. I have faith this is possible, and this writing serves as my own venting promise.
I will never commercialize this blog, and I will continue to write it.
I will work on a my own “race to the top” where empathy, compassion and deeper reading are emphasized. Where more than one contradictory idea are welcomed without soundbytes.
I will do work that values human lives instead of ignores them acutely mindful of the effect of my work on other people, systems, and things.