I woke up at 4am this morning and wrote the following in my journal:
"The part that you get to keep, is the part you contributed. It can't be
removed, debated, or projected.”
It's not up to anyone else. It's not for other people to do or possibly even to know. It's what you went
ahead and did. It’s hard to feel stupid while doing it for the first time, but it’s permanently yours.
Esta mañana me he levantado a las 4 de la mañana y he escrito lo siguiente en mi diario:
"La parte que te quedas, es la que has aportado. No puede ser
eliminada, debatida o proyectada".
No depende de nadie más. No le corresponde a otras personas. Es lo que tú has hecho
adelante e hiciste, y honestamente puede ser una de las partes más difíciles.