
I attended Inti Raymi in Cusco earlier last week. The tradition dates back to the Incan Empire during the Winter Solstice to honor the Sun God, Inti. There were hundreds of dancers and lots of street food.

I attended with two friends living in Cusco who had never experienced it. We joined the crowds to get a look.

We couldn’t see much. People were sitting and standing on the surrounding hills looking toward the Valley.

We decided to change locations.

We took a break.

We came back.

We changed views.

We walked around even further. At the end of the day, we had the best view, overall.

It was a great reminder… If you don’t like the view, change locations.

Or to put it in technological terms, change the setting.

A view from Huilloc

La semana pasada asistí al Inti Raymi en Cusco. La tradición se remonta al Imperio Incaico, durante el solsticio de invierno, para honrar al dios Sol, Inti.

Había cientos de bailarines y mucha comida callejera. Fui con dos amigos que viven en Cuzco y nunca lo habían vivido.

Nos unimos a la multitud para echar un vistazo. No pudimos ver mucho. La gente estaba sentada y de pie en las colinas de los alrededores mirando hacia el Valle.

Decidimos cambiar de lugar.

Tomamos un descanso.


Cambiamos de vista.

Caminamos aún más.

Al final del día, teníamos la mejor vista, en general. Fue un gran recordatorio... Si no te gusta la vista, cambia de lugar. O para decirlo en términos tecnológicos, cambia los adjustes.