So, tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the US. It is the US best holiday, in my opinion. I had a “funeral moment” the other day where I was on a conference call in the morning and later I was on a boat going down the Amazon River visiting a butterfly sanctuary in the afternoon. I paused to think about it many times. I get to do my favorite work and I get to live. THANKSGIVING, indeed. To paraphrase Elizabeth Gilbert, I am so grateful its stupid.
The boat experience, simply put, is one of the big, juicy gifts of international work in places like Perú. I was also so nostalgic for my experiences over the year. Starting in California, then the Galapagos, moving into Colombia, experiencing the start and end of a new romance, starting a global health career in Lima with Socios, doing direct field work, and continuing into real and important work with Prisma that also happens to pay me. One of the juiciest years so far. Dios mio.