A Walk in the Fog

“Perfect is the enemy of good.” Seth Godin published that on his blog yesterday. I needed to hear it.

In other human experience news…

I have this really obnoxious prolonged cold which has left me generally incapacitated for much beyond going to work, coming home, and sleeping for the last 11 days. I thought was going crazy a couple of times. That was an easy sentence to write, but it was significantly harder to experience. I have also recently learned from the person who gave it to me it could linger for another week or so. Oh, no.

I got a taste of what long standing low levels of energy feel like. And I am knocked around.

Somehow I did the following… I took having low energy personally and started ruminating and obsessing. That´s what actually happened. I pushed myself to do things I could not do and then was not be able to do them and got really frustrated. Again, that sentence was easy to write.

So, here I am… Channeling the reality of my days into this blog, onto this page, and into a third party form that generates compassion for my own self. I have sat too much and it makes me crazy. That is what this day has looked like.